Saturday, November 03, 2007

How to do Static Weaving with Toplink Essentials from Maven 2

I've always wanted to make sure that the build process for Tally Ho is as seamless as possible, requiring minimal configuration by someone who downloads the monster. Currently, I do have one small step that people have to do- they must install the Toplink Essentials jar files in their local repository. This is necessary because of a licensing issue from Oracle apparently... you have to agree to a license before their jar will unpack. Fortunately, this is a fairly simple procedure, which I cover in README-MAVEN thusly:

toplink-essentials-V2_build_58: Get this from
Download the jar, then run java -jar glassfish-persistence-installer*.jar,
accept the license agreement, and the installer will create a
glassfish-persistence directory. Change into that directory and run
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=toplink-essentials.jar \
-DgroupId=toplink-essentials -DartifactId=toplink-essentials \
-Dversion=V2_build_58 -Dpackaging=jar

So far in the project I haven't used static weaving, because it hasn't been all that vital. But an upcoming change in the way binary resources work requires it. (I need to be able to refer to a binary resource without loading all of that resource's data, since that could conceivably be a tremendous amount of data and a huge memory hog... this requires a lazy-loaded 1:1 relationship (Toplink Essentials does not support lazily loaded compositions)).

The Toplink folks do not provide a Maven 2 plugin for doing static weaving (and you must use static weaving if you're deploying to a J2SE servlet container due to classloader constraints on javaagent). They do, however, provide an ant task for static weaving, and Maven 2 can run ant tasks.

It took some time to figure out how to get the Maven dependency classpath into the Ant task so that the Ant task could find the class for static weaving, but after some digging I found the answer.

First, we define a build.xml for the ant task, to keep from severely uglifying pom.xml:
<project name="Weaver" default="weaving" basedir=".">

Run the ant task for performing static weaving on model classes. This
is meant to be run from m2 with the compile_classpath variable set.

<target name="define.task" description="New task definition for toplink static weaving">
<taskdef name="weave" classname="oracle.toplink.essentials.weaving.StaticWeaveAntTask">
<path path="${compile_classpath}" />

<target name="weaving" description="perform weaving" depends="define.task">
<echo>Performing static weaving on model classes

<weave source="target/classes" target="target/classes" persistenceinfo="src/main/resources">
<path path="${compile_classpath}"/>


The Eclipse ant task editor will of course complain that the taskdef class cannot be found, but that's okay because we don't intend to run this with ant. We're going to run it from Maven2, using the ant task runner.

One nice thing about Maven 2 is that they've included a phase just for post-processing of classes, which is the ideal place to hook into the compilation process. We add this to our pom.xml inside the <build><plugins>:

<echo>Beginning process-classes phase...
<property name="compile_classpath" refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>
<ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">
<target name="weaving"/>

Maven creates an ant property called compile_classpath which dereferences to maven.compile.classpath property, which includes all of the compile-time dependencies declared in the pom.xml. In this case, since the pom already contains the Toplink Essentials jar file, the compile classpath will contain the class needed to run the ant taskdef.

There are, of course, still bugs with static weaving. The weaver still breaks if there is a space in the path to your classes and it still incorrectly weaves classes with lazy 1:1 relationships, failing to add some required methods for 1:1 fields that aren't lazy loaded. As these bugs haven't been touched since March of this year, I don't hold out a lot of hope for seeing them fixed any time soon.

The workaround for the first problem is to move your Eclipse workspace (or other working directory) to a path with no spaces in the name. The second can be worked around by using property access on lazy-loaded fields, although that is lame and stupid.

What kills me about that latter bug is that in the comments, the person the bug is assigned to describes exactly what needs to be done to fix the bug and where in the code to fix it. This means he had to have been looking around in the code to find it. And once he found it, rather than just fixing the damn problem, then saving and committing, he talked about how to fix it on the bug report instead. And indeed, one can still go look at the code and see how it's still broken to this day, when it could have been resolved 8 months ago for less effort than it took to write about it. It's literally a one-line fix. Maybe even half-a-line, if you want to get technical. Select some text, hit backspace, ctrl-S, run unit tests, commit.

Incidentally, it also turns out that the Toplink ant task does absolutely nothing at present. If you find that troubling, you can swap out the <weave> task for a kludge like this:

  <java classname="oracle.toplink.essentials.weaving.StaticWeave" >
<path path="${compile_classpath}"/>
<arg value="-persistenceinfo" />
<arg value="src/main/resources" />
<arg value="-loglevel" />
<arg value="finest" />
<arg value="${target_directory}" />
<arg value="${target_directory}" />

At least this way the ugliness is encapsulated in an ant build.xml file, and some day when the ant task gets fixed, you can return to using it easily.

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

How to make Eclipse, Tomcat, Maven 2 and Wicket play nice

On the off chance that other people find this helpful, here's how I set up Tally-Ho to work in Eclipse with the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin and Maven 2.

First, obviously, you need to install your prerequisites. Download and install Tomcat. Install the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin. You also want the Maven 2 Eclipse plugin. Installation of these is outside the scope of this post. It is also outside the scope of this post to explain Maven, Tomcat, Servlets and so-on. Use Google.

Next, bootstrap your project. I found it easiest to change into my Eclipse workspace directory, use mvn to create my archetype for my project, and then run mvn eclipse:eclipse inside the project directory it created. Then go to File | Import in Eclipse and import the project. Finally, enable the Maven 2 plugin for your imported project from the project's context menu, Maven 2 | Enable.

I found that the only way to make working with Maven bearable was to follow its default layout. This means that web.xml is going in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF and that all of the library dependencies are defined in pom.xml and all of the libraries will download into the Maven 2 Dependencies collection the first time you run mvn on the project.

Edit pom.xml and make sure you have your dependencies defined how you want them and that your project name and version are what you'd like.

Now is a good time to run a build of the project just to set up all of the remaining directories, like target. I did this by configuring an m2 build from the External Tools menu using my project's location as the Base directory with the goal "install".

Now set up the Tomcat plugin. From Window | Preferences | Tomcat, configure the appropriate Tomcat version and Tomcat home. From the context menu of your project, select Properties and then Tomcat. Check "is a Tomcat project." Set the context name to "/" and check "Can update context definition" and "Mark this context as reloadable." Set the subdirectory to "/target/your_project_name-your.project.version". The project name and version here must match what you've defined in pom.xml.

Now set up Eclipse to build directly to the Maven output directory. This allows you to avoid running a mvn build every time you make a change to a class or resource file. You will still need to run a mvn build if you add or change dependencies or if you change web.xml, however. From the project's properties context menu, choose Java Build Path and set the default output folder to target/your_project_name-your.project.version/WEB-INF/classes.

Lastly, from your project's context menu, choose Tomcat Project | Update Context Definition.

So to recap, here are the steps:

1. Download and install Maven 2, Eclipse, Tomcat, the Maven 2 plugin for Eclipse and the Tomcat plugin for Eclipse.
2. Create a project using Maven. Consult Maven's documentation for more detail or use an existing project that already has a pom.xml.
3. Run mvn eclipse:eclipse to generate Eclipse's metadata files from the project's pom.xml.
4. Import the project into your Eclipse workspace.
5. Edit pom.xml to define the version number and your dependencies.
6. Put web.xml in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
7. Create a m2 external build and run it to create your target directory structure.
8. Configure the Tomcat plugin to look in Maven's target directory for your webapp's directory structure.
9. Configure Eclipse to build directly to Maven's target directory structure.

To make the setup play nicely with Wicket, you only need to define Wicket as a dependency in pom.xml (step 5). This is a matter of adding:


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Monday, April 09, 2007

Why is Maven Still Such a Horrific Pile of Garbage?

Maven is, hands-down, the absolute worst piece of crapware I have had the misfortune of using in the last 4 years. This collection incidentally includes all versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, including IE7, which only crashed every time I started it for a week due to an incompatibility with the Google Toolbar. It's worse than Norton Antivirus. It's worse than Microsoft Outlook. It is a complete waste of bits.

The terrible, tragic thing about Maven is that there's a kernel of a really good idea behind it. Building stuff, handling dependencies, running tests, producing reports. Great! Fantastic! If only it weren't to software development what Mr Garrison's "It" was to transit.

First, those who get excited about XML configuration need to die in a fire. A sewage fire. You know what? XML blows. The XML fad is over. Stop using XML for all kinds of garbage that it was never intended for. What the hell is wrong with you? People do not like writing this crap, and they like reading it even less. I don't give a damn that it makes your crapware XML/Object mapping tool spit out nice little objects that are easy for YOU to deal with when handling configuration. It's not about YOU if you want people to use your diarrhea soup.

Next, why does everything in this obtuse XML configuration HELL have to be


and nested

and nested

and nested

and nested?

Seriously, if I need to get a file included in my output, why does it have to be in a structure 4 levels deep? And why do some of the bottom-layer elements allow file globbing? Don't you realize that if you can handle file globbing, you could just one ONE DAMN TAG ONE LAYER DEEP and be done with it? Die!

Want to see the results of your unit tests? Go look in a bunch of individual files! Because the build can only scream FAILURE!!! at you (just like that) and doesn't bother to tell you which assertion failed at which line in which class and method.

What a horrible pile of dung. Maven has been around for well over 4 years and in that time the only thing that appears to have improved is its startup time.

I don't know why anyone puts up with this crap.

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