Friday, May 16, 2008
Clouds over Sweeney Ridge
Skyline College in the foreground, Sweeney Ridge in the background, moon overhead. Taken with my camera phone, because it was there.
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I mainly write on, but here you can find images I find while out and about as well as thoughts on software development.
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It's difficult to describe an entity that is always evolving, but perhaps I'm evolving according to a deeper pattern. I'm an unconventional guy with unusual tastes and a strong belief that everyone has an inherent right to equality and to be left alone to pursue their interests and desires. Nobody has the right to demand that another person behave a certain way simply for their own social convenience. I think that underdogs everywhere need a cheering section, and I'm happy to start the wave there. Those underserved and ignored by the rest of society because of who or how they love or because of whatever misfortune may have visited them need love too. Life is a great journey of figuring out who we are, what we believe in and how we can maximize our potential. That's my guiding principle and eventually why I'll be leaving Software Engineering for my own bodywork practice.