Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More Adventures with JPA

Since Toplink isn't up to the task, tonight I decided to get all my tests working with OpenJPA. Normally this should be simply a matter of plugging in a different implementation and everything would work swimmingly. Ah, but we all know it's never that easy.

The trouble is that the JPA spec, being an early revision, leaves a lot of things up to the implementer. This includes all cache control. So it is actually fairly easy to find yourself relying upon the caching semantics of a particular provider, and you may find that unit tests that work correctly with one provider begin to fail when you plug in another one.

A classic example of this is the simple 1:Many relationship. Say you have two objects called Root and Message. One Root contains many Messages. Now you want to perform these operations:

  1. Create Root

  2. Create Message that refers to the Root

  3. Read Root

  4. Get messages from Root

Now you may already see the obvious problem with this chain of events, but pretend for a moment that you don't.

In Toplink, this works. The "Get messages from root" step initiates a query to the database to get all of the Message objects associated to the root (lazy loading).

In OpenJPA, this fails. OpenJPA has been tracking the Root object in its cache, and it already knows that the Root object has no message objects. So it performs no query, and the list of Messages is empty.

Of course had I adhered to a best practice of dealing with ORM, this would never have happened. When there is a 1:Many relationship, one should always perform operations on the owning side of the relationship. That means you don't set the root ID from the Message; instead, you add the Message to the list of children that belong to the Root.

Complicating matters, that strategy tends to work in Toplink, but OpenJPA will not set up the owned side of the relationship (ie, the root reference). So you actually have to do both: set the root reference in the Message, and add the Message to the Root's children list. JPA implementations will automatically persist the owned side of the relationship at least, if you set the right value(s) for cascade in the @OneToMany annotation (to CascadeType.PERSIST or CascadeType.ALL). (OpenJPA has its own annotation, @InverseLogical, to indicate that a field should be maintained bidirectionally.) Otherwise you have to explicitly persist both objects.

The safest thing is to maintain both sides of the relationship, though this isn't a particularly intuitive thing to have to do.

And what night would be complete without opening a bug report? Tonight it's OPENJPA-164. I kept getting an exception from OpenJPA tonight that was a rethrowing of a PostgreSQL exception that "f" was not valid data for the BigDecimal type when reading in an instance of class Article. And that was all the information I had to go on. It later turned out that the culprit was the way I had previously mapped ArticleMessageRoot, which had a field called "posting_permitted" mapped as a long instead of a boolean. This worked with Toplink, because Toplink read the field as a long, and PostgreSQL evidently had a conversion that was workable for a boolean to a long, but not a BigDecimal. The good news is that the problem has been caught- it really should have been mapped as a boolean. The bad news is that OpenJPA gave me absolutely nothing to go on for a fairly commonplace mapping error, even with logging cranked all the way up to TRACE.

All the service unit tests are passing now, so it's progress.


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