In this directory is a hacked-up instance of nos-tun. Significant changes include: o -r and -w flags. The main reason in adding these is for the case when you might have a tunnel going across a link with a dynamically assigned IP address. Should a write fail (ie, after a link went down) nos-tun will attempt to bring down the tunnel and bring it up again to restore the connection. Using hostnames for destination addresses was already supported, so this may work well with networks using dynamic DNS (eg, o Return code from write(2) and send(2) is used now. Incomplete writes are now handled properly. Failed writes may be handled with -r (above) o Moved some code around so that subroutines aren't calling exit(3). o Capitalized "Cisco" in the manpage, and changed the use of the word from a generic product to an adjective modifying the word "router" in order to protect Cisco's trademark. Feedback I'm looking for: does this work as expected? Does the write failure recovery seem to work ok? I am only responsible for ONE of the gotos in this code!