AIDS/Lifecycle 9 Day 1

Today I woke up at 4:40 AM after having slept perhaps an hour or two, grabbed a 5-hour energy shot, and staggered to the shower.  The plan was to get out of the house by 5, but an alarm clock malfunction on the part of my teammate delayed our departure slightly (he was blissfully asleep when it was time to get up, but scrambled really well).

We arrived at the Cow Palace around a quarter to six, did the opening ceremonies thing, and then the real fun began.  The massage team enhanced ride-out with 24 small bottles of "celebration bubbles"... the kind given as party favors at weddings.  I think those cost me about $5 at Big Lots, but they brought so many smiles to so many faces that it was perhaps the best $5 I've ever spent.  It's amazing what soap bubbles do to grown adults.

It was Fiesta day in the massage tent, and it was boiling hot all day.  Day 1 is a slow day for us; since participants get only one massage for the week, most choose not to get it on the first day.  This is okay, actually, since it gives our team a little time to settle in.

I got some great body work from Patrick (and dozed off during it), and a nice sacro-iliac joint tweak from Chiropractic.  I'll probably be seeing them again on Day 3.  Every year my left SI joint locks down, and it seems like this year will be no exception.  Maybe it's the fire line method of loading and unloading our truck that does it to me.

Here's a picture from the massage tent.  I'll try to get more/better pictures tomorrow.


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This page contains a single entry by spatula published on June 6, 2010 9:38 PM.

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